
Showing posts from December, 2014

Thank you, 2014!

I would say that 2014 was a very good year for me. So many things happened, and God keeps on revealing himself to me in unexpected ways! Thank you Jesus for this year! I love every single second of it! :) Some highlights of my 2014: Audrey Maeve, my first niece, was born. ♥ Passed 2nd year Medicine with flying colors! Met someone who pushed me closer to God and changed my life. =) Spent summer vacation in Singapore with my older sister and her family. 24th birthday. Victory Tanauan Start of 3rd year Medicine. Ate Jeannine's 2nd pregnancy. Passed 3rd year 1st semester. My best friend's wedding. Christmas and New Year in Singapore.  Thank you, 2014! You were awesome! XOXO ♥

Worship Songs! ♥

My favorite worship songs as of the moment! Sing out loud! All praise and glory to You, Lord! ♥ One Thing Remains - Passion Can't Stop Singing - Covenant Worship Hope Of All Hearts - Planetshakers Set The World On Fire - Britt Nicole My all time favorite, No Other Name by Planetshakers And of course With Everything by Hillsong XOXO ♥


My feelings right now. XOXO ♥

Everyone's Getting Engaged But Me! :/

O.M.G. I can relate to this. Food for thought about being single. :) Everyone’s Getting Engaged But Me: 4 Reasons To Embrace Being Single Repost from HERE. It seems that an epidemic of engagements is upon us. Relationship status updates and engagement photos have begun to plague my news feed at an alarmingly rapid rate. Never before have I seen so many people under the age of 25 saying yes to the dress, forcing me to do what social media subliminally begs us all to do: compare and evaluate my own life decisions. Should I be wanting this? Is there something wrong with me because, not only am I completely content with my current relationship status, but also wholeheartedly believe I’m too young for marriage? I’m the first to admit it: When I think of eternal love, I associate it with my dedication to Netflix, loyalty to Starbucks and love affair with pizza, so surely this means I’m not mature enough to handle seating charts and house hunting yet. Though the idea ...