2012 - Doomsday?

The Mayans have this belief that on December 21, 2012 will be the end of the world. There was even a movie about it called 2012 which has a tagline of "We were warned".

A friend posted this on facebook:

"America, one of the most rich and powerful, lost thousands of lives last 09-11-01,
now Japan, one of the most rich and wise, lost thousands of lives last 03-10-11.
Add the dates:
  12-21-12 (December 21, 2012)
Coincidence or Destined?"

I was scared when I read it cause wow. It was really a coincidence that if you add those two dates, the sum would be that scary date.

Honestly, I don't know how they came up with that idea or belief. All I know is that God knows our future and He knows what's best for us. I mean, nobody can tell or predict the future except for Him. All we have to do is trust His will and have faith.

If 2012 really is the end of the world, then we just have to let God take over and bring us home, back to where we came from.

For now, let's live each day to the fullest, offer and surrender our lives to God and just be happy. =)

No worries! God is with us every single second of our life.

Wait! Before clicking the publish post, I suddenly remembered that the earthquake and tsunami that strucked Japan was last 03-11-11 and not 03-10-11! Haha! So nothing to worry about. I'll post it anyways for the effort. :D



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