Fishers of Men

The other night, while I was answering some random questions from, I was asked this particular question: "How can you make this world a better place?" I didn't know what to answer. I thought really hard. How can I make this world a better place?

Then last night, my question has been answered. I was watching 'Son of God', and in one scene when Jesus went to Peter in his fishing boat, He asked him to leave his fishing and follow Him, and He will make him fisher of men to change the world.

Voila! I can feel that it is God speaking to me. I think He wants me to become fisher of men. I think He wants me to spread His word to change the world. I believe that this is one purpose of my life.

Hope I'll be able to do this. With God's grace I know I can. Lord, please give me the wisdom and send me the people to help me fulfill your purpose for my life. 



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